‘The jihad will march along and every citizen in time will be affected by it’
Top teachers in effectively are forcing Islamic indoctrination on students in Britain, with a growing movement to strip parents of their legal right to remove their children from objectionable religious classes.
Britain’s Independent newspaper reported a study showed that while the law allows parents to remove their children from classes that violate their faith, most headteachers believe parents should be stopped from withdrawing children from religious education over Islam lessons.
Christine Douglass-Williams at the Shariah-watching Jihad Watch noted that more than two in five school leaders and religious education teachers in the U.K. have received requests for students to be withdrawn from teaching about one particular religion.
“It is the only religion in the West of which lobbies representing its adherents are screaming ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ at every turn in reply to any criticism,” she wrote. “It is the only religion that is trying to curb Western free speech–the cornerstone of democracy. It is the only religion that mandates the murder of adherents who choose to leave it (apostates), the murder of gays, the murder of blasphemers. It is the only religion that is ubiquitously persecuting minorities globally and mandates the rape of infidel women. It is the only religion that has a deep network of adherents engaged in jihad war against disbelievers.”